Sahti is a traditional Finnish surface yeast-type beer, which is mainly made with barley and rye malts. Sahti is used with fresh yeast and seasoned with juniper and possibly hops. The sahti we make is mostly red-brown, sweet and strong. However, the color varies from orange-yellow to light brown, with an average alcohol content of 8-10 % volume percent. In the mouth, the sahti feels thick, full and appetizing, sometimes even as thick as a milkshake. Different malts bring e.g. taste of cereal, bread, toffee, honey and caramel. Sahti is at its best soon after it is made, but its shelf life in good conditions between 0 and 4 degrees is at best for several months. We prepare sahti during festive times, such as Christmas and Midsummer, for beer festivals and, of course, always as needed. So ask us about the day's availability.

Brewery established


Developed recipe


Different types of beer


A liter of beer

Each beer has its own storyFrom our customers

Great service!

Päädyimme yhteistyöhön United Gypsies Breweryn kanssa, koska se mahdollistaa pienten kotipanimoiden siirtymisen isompaan tuotantoerään ja toimii niin sanottuna kiertolaispanimona. Suuri osa isommista panimoista ei halua tarjota tätä mahdollisuutta.

Jussi Pentti

Iron Lake

Great recipe

Our event's own Aukusti Pala Ale beer got the last touch in the recipe from the birches of the event area. Great idea from the brewmaster. The special cells were sold out in no time.

Juha Siirtola

Produced by Mukula ry