Realize your ideas with us!TOURING BREWERS


We offer our expertise and resources
Come to us to start your career as a brewer and make your own sales beer. We help refine the recipe from which we create your very own special beer. We have developed beers from sorghum, sea buckthorn, lac, up to wild hops and longer maturations. Welcome to create a unique beer story.
Come visit and participate in the making of your beer as one step in its commercialization.
We are happy to help every beer and brewer find its way to the market in all parts of Finland.

Each beer has its own storyFrom our customers

Great service!

Päädyimme yhteistyöhön United Gypsies Breweryn kanssa, koska se mahdollistaa pienten kotipanimoiden siirtymisen isompaan tuotantoerään ja toimii niin sanottuna kiertolaispanimona. Suuri osa isommista panimoista ei halua tarjota tätä mahdollisuutta.

Jussi Pentti

Iron Lake

Great recipe

Our event's own Aukusti Pala Ale beer got the last touch in the recipe from the birches of the event area. Great idea from the brewmaster. The special cells were sold out in no time.

Juha Siirtola

Produced by Mukula ry